Thursday, April 22, 2010


Sorry I have not checked in for a few days...not too much new is going on here. My baby is now seven weeks old which is exciting! She has been sleeping through the night for awhile now, and next week we can start extending her nighttime sleep. I am looking forward to that.

I am still working on gathering things for our garage sale. I am a little discouraged, because we have not sold anything else since my last post:(. I had a good lead on a bunch of my books, but since he hasn't responded to my e-mail, I think that might've fallen through. So...I think we will re-submit our craigslist post, and put the cymbal on ebay if we do not get any responses.

Back on the baby front, we are still having leaking problems with the Fuzzi Bunz. My husband thinks that they just don't fit her well enough yet. I'm not sure. I don't think it has anything to do with the fleece not repelling, because the liners are plenty wet. It just seems they are not holding enough. I am dealing with it for now, hoping it will get better with time.

That's all for now...


  1. I'm not an expert on this by any means, but this is what we do. We started cloth diapering Mira at the beginning of the year at 10 months old. We use purex free & clear & make sure that all the soap bubbles are gone before we pull the diapers out of the wash. We have not had to strip the diapers even once, & we wash every day b/c we don't have very many diapers. I also try to be really careful to make sure that every thing that is not waterproof (tabs, inserts, etc) is tucked within the PUL. We only make it 2-2 1/2 hours without leakage (with 1 insert), and Mira is at the point where she takes in more solid food than liquids, which is not the case for Meredith. Have you tried using 2 inserts at the same time? That would absorb more liquid & might fill in the gap if she is still a little small for the diaper. I hope this helps. Meredith is so cute!=)


    P.S. Huggies snug & fit were awesome for my son pretty horrible on my girl. Leaks were the norm.

  2. Thanks Mary! Our situation has improved the last couple of days. I started using two inserts at night, and bigger inserts during the morning, when she takes longer naps. I have not had too many problems with leaking since I started doing this, just occasionally a bit around the legs. I am sure it's not a problem with the diapers' absorbency, since they are plenty wet when I change her. I think she is just having really wet diapers, mixed with the diapers still being a bit big. Maybe I will try putting two liners in during the day as well. Thanks for your help!
