Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Time to make money

So since the baby was born, we have taken a break on our attempt to sell stuff we don't need. Now that things are settling down, we have decided to start clearing stuff out. This also has a bit to do with our desire to be European, that is, having less stuff, being able pick up everything and move at a moment's notice. We went to look at apartments on Monday, because we possibly could be moving, and we had to turn them down because we have too much stuff! We are only two and a half people (along with a fun-loving dog), how could 1000 square feet be too little! We are in desperate need to get rid of anything we're not using.

Anyway, I have put an e-mail out to some people I know seeing if anyone wants to buy my books. So far I have potentially sold 6 out of 12 of the books. Next step will be to post the unwanted ones on Amazon. I hope they all will sell. They all can probably be considered textbooks, which are the best sellers on Amazon.

The next step will be to post some cymbals and other musical items on craigslist. We will see how that goes. For some reason, my husband and I have had the worst luck with craigslist. We have tried to sell things on it, and have no interest. We have also tried to buy things on it, and it never works out! My husband says there are too many people on craigslist; it doesn't work as well as it used to. However, it would be nice to not have to ship these cymbals if we sold them on ebay. I am afraid they would not travel well. It's good to know, though, that musical instruments do not lost their value too much by being used.

Next, we are planning a garage sale for the middle of May. I have been going through everything we own collecting things we don't need for the sale. I read that you should not throw anything away when preparing for a garage sale, that you would be surprised what one would buy. It will be in a subdivision garage sale, so I'm hoping we will have lots of traffic.

So there you have it! If you're wanting to turn your junk into cash...sell, sell, sell! Amazon is great for books, craigslist/ebay for musical instruments, furniture, and garage sale!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you rake in the dough, sis!!

    (And by the way, just realized that you and I have similar blog names... haha. I had to create a blog for Lit class my senior year and I just decided to continue it!).
